New AIDA Instructor Trainer

É com ORGULHO grande que a SPOT passou para o nível seguinte. Neste momento, disponibiliza desde os cursos de iniciação ao Mergulho Livre até ao nível de Instrutor AIDA Internacional.

Aqui fica a noticia da AIDA Internacional

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present our brand new AIDA Instructor Trainer, Mr. Mário Albuquerque!!!
Mário is also a judge and a National Record holder from Portugal. He`s been teaching since 2008 with his life partner Mafalda (sorry girls!), at their school SPOT Freedive, based in Lisbon. He speaks Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Besides being a superhero plumber on video games, he is also an architect and a photographer. 

Congratulations Mário!!!



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